About Hyve Health

Driving Positive Change in Today’s Complex Healthcare Market Requires Radical Thinking in How We Collectively Work Together

In partnership with forward-thinking healthcare providers, Hyve Health is leading the industry into a new age of transparency.

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Our History

The Hyve Health Story

Hyve Health was founded by healthcare industry innovators seeking to create technology for the collective good of healthcare. And we're well on our way!


From Impossible to Possible

Hyve Health is led by Travis Gentry, who co-founded Financial Healthcare Systems (FHS Corp) in 2005. FHS Corp was the pioneer of healthcare transparency, bringing their patient estimation tool, ClearQuote® to market. This unprecedented product was installed in hospitals across the country to provide a contractual estimate of a patient’s expected out of pocket.


FHS Corp and ClearQuote sold

Now working for a credit bureau, Travis Gentry understands how data is combined to create a consumer credit score. The idea of combining hospital payer data to create a payer credit score incubates.


Hyve Health Formed

Travis Gentry takes his payer scorecard idea and starts Hyve Health, bringing in financial and technology leaders to create a trifecta of knowledge.


Insight CMS Transparency Created

Insight CMS Transparency created to meet CMS Hospital Price Transparency mandate effective 1/1/21 using our team’s extensive knowledge on payer contracts, historical data, and claim/remit analysis. A few ex-FHS employees join the team.


Vitality Payer Scorecard

Realizing the need to further transparency within the healthcare community specific to payer payments, the Vitality Payer Scorecard was launched in partnership with the American Hospital Association.


GFE & Collectyve Health

The Hyve – GFE Exchange™ was created and Collectyve Health born to address the complicated task of providing timely, comprehensive, and complete Good Faith Estimates.

Meanwhile Vitality Payer Scorecard is gaining momentum with State Hospital Association adoption.  More former FHS employees sign on, getting the band back together to lead the charge in innovation.


Insight CMS Transparency Enhanced

Always in the forefront of innovation, Insight CMS Transparency is enhanced to meet CMS new regulations announced in 2024 for July 1, 2024 and January 1, 2025 enforcement.


MRF Viewer Created

Understanding the challenge providers face with vetting their machine readable files, MRF Viewer was created to enable them to efficiently review their organization's MRF.

More hospitals sign on for the Vitality Payer Scorecard and Hyve Health partners with HFMA.


Our Colony Grows

With more than 1,000 hospitals as well as the American Hospital Association (AHA), Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), and 25+ state hospitals associations participating, our vision of a more transparent healthcare industry is becoming a reality.

Our Philosophy

What We Believe

Hyve Health was founded with a clear purpose and firm beliefs.

We Are Nothing Without Our Customers

We believe in listening to the needs of our customer community, and prioritizing long-term value when developing products that address pressing industry issues. There is a real person behind every text, email, call, and support request, and we treat them as human beings, not users.

We Cultivate Creativity to Do Good Things

Our company is full of collaborative talent, made up of visionaries, producers, get ‘er done people who enjoy what they do and are here to make a difference.

We Achieve Ambitious Outcomes

We set, measure, and accomplish goals that deliver massive value to our healthcare community by prioritizing outcomes over output and work efficiently to drive results.

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Hospitals Helping Hospitals, for the Collective Good of Healthcare